Curriculum Design


An educator, curriculum designer, and doctoral student in curriculum studies.

Freelance curriculum projects, including projects for schools, museums and cultural institutions, and public spaces.

Avid learner.

Developing participatory art walks in Brighton Beach, photo c: Jerome Cowell

Developing participatory art walks in Brighton Beach, photo c: Jerome Cowell


Sarah Gerth v.d. Berg

In grade school, I often played "teacher" with my my sister-students. In high school, I made myriad maps of my ideal set of curricular requirements and elective offerings. In college, I studied education alongside art history, developing a variety of tours at the Princeton University Art Museum. As a middle school teacher, I craved both the lesson planning process and the "flow" of teaching: the thrill of nimbly adjusting plans to student responses and needs. As a freelance curriculum designer pursuing a doctorate in curriculum studies at Teachers College, I create and research experiences that invite education to happen.

I continue to seek inspiration for curriculum design and education from the arts, especially from contemporary participatory and socially engaged artworks that emphasize relationality, process, and alternative ways of being in a complex world.




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